Ci Research Warns Traditional Reporting Risks Undermining the Power of Market Research Insights

Ci Research ( has warned the UK market research industry that an over-reliance on bulging photocopied statistical reports and lengthy PowerPoint debriefs risks undermining the power of the insights they deliver.

The Wilmslow-based agency is responding with a new range of digital delivery techniques including video, podcasts and screencasts which they predict will become as common place as pdf downloads and Powerpoint within months.

The agency has launched a new YouTube channel showcasing some of its latest client video reports at

And now, Ci Research is challenging clients old and new to claim a free executive summary MP3 podcast for any new projects briefed or commissioned in September 2010.

Ci Research marketing director Richard Walker said,

“Let’s face it, no-one has time to wade through pages and pages of statistical information. As an industry our skill must be in distilling the information down into inspirational bite-sized chunks – in a format that can be readily digested.

“Traditionally the information overload comes from an urgency amongst some agencies to prove the volume of work undertaken. At best this is counter-productive. At worst it causes real damage to – and obscures – the value of the insights that the research delivers.

“Here at Ci Research, we believe the true value of our research comes from the interpretation and delivery of the results. It’s not simply about broadcasting, but delivering them in a way which engages with staff and audiences who need to understand the impact of the research the most.”

Ci Research has increasingly been using podcast and video technology. But the new range of delivery options puts this technology at the centre of the agency’s results delivery process.

Ci Research executive summary podcasts feature a 5-minute overview voiced over by a project manager. The podcast can also include focus group sound bytes and verbatim comments as appropriate.

Richard adds,

“A crucial part of our service now includes understanding how we can deliver our results to engage each client with maximum effect. Podcasts are a great example of how Clients can synchronise their itunes to upload our latest MP3s and listen at a time that is most convenient to them.”

More information about the free podcast offer is available from Richard Walker on 01625 628000.

September 2010

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